Mathias Santos de Brito
R&D Software Engineer and Full Stack Developer
Development has been my passion since I was 12yo when I learned how to write programs with Clipper. Since then, I have worked with PHP, Java, Python, and JavaScript. On this page, I detail the paths I took and achievements in my career until now and the current projects I'm developing.
Let me introduce myself...

If I chose four words to describe myself as a professional, I would pick, Design, Code, Learn and Teach. Since I was 12yo, I started coding and never stopped. I began with Clipper and ended nowadays with Python, Javascript/TypeScript with experience also with Java and set my tech stack on these languages and Python/FastAPI/Django/Flask, Node.Js/Express.js in the backend, and Angular in the Frontend. Nonetheless, I'm proficient in SQL and NoSQL databases and ORM.

Discipline sets a critical aspect of my professional mindset, and code can only become a product with good planning and management.

Discipline sets a critical aspect of my professional mindset, and code can only become a product with good planning and management. I've been specializing in the GitHub ecosystem for that purpose, not only for keeping track of the code but also from project planning to CI/CD tools. Discipline does not mean inflexibility here. Learning new tools, processes, and technologies is essential for me. An unpassionate and pragmatic view of technologies available is what I pursue. No room for flamewars. earning and teaching are crucial aspects of my professional profile and applied to build concise, cohesive, and responsive teams.

So, in the Computer Science spectrum, where have I been working? Distributed Systems with emphasis on Edge/Cloud Computing, for the details of the projects I worked on, I now invite you to look at the following sections.

Main skills ranked by recent usage...
Angular 2+
CI/CD GitHub Actions
AWS and Heroku
Formal Education
Institutions that helped me to be here.
August 2006
Bachelor Degree on Computer Science
Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz
February 2009
Master Degree on Computing Engineering
Universidade de São Paulo
In Progress... Started on 2014.
PhD. Degree on Computing Science
Technische Universität Berlin
Work Experience
Companies where I worked through my career.
February 2019 - Actual
Universidade Estaudal de Santa Cruz
Assistant Professor in the field of Distributed Systems
February 2014 - 2019
Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS
External Researcher
February 2011 - 2014
Universidade Estaudal de Santa Cruz
Assistant Professor in the field of Distributed Systems
September 2009 - 2011
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia - IFNMG
Docent of Computer Programming
February 2007 - August 2009
Universidade de São Paulo
Internship at Laboratory of High Performance Computing of POLI/USP
My publications on scientific journals and conferences.
January 2019 - Euro-Par 2018: Parallel Processing Workshops
Automated Multi-Swarm Networking with Open Baton NFV MANO Framework
Jun-Sik Shin, Mathias Santos de Brito, Thomas Magedanz, Jongwon Kim
July 2017 - International Workshop on Fog Computing and Networking (FCN)
Towards Container Orchestration in Fog Computing Infrastructures
Saiful Hoque, Mathias Santos de Brito, Alexander Willner
May 2017 - Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 29(1)
Application of the Fog computing paradigm to Smart Factories and cyber‐physical systems
Mathias Santos de Brito, Saiful Hoque, Ronald Steinke, Alexander Willner, Thomas Magedanz
May 2017 - 2017 Second International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC)
A service orchestration architecture for Fog-enabled infrastructures
Mathias Santos de Brito, Saiful Hoque, Thomas Magedanz, at. al.
September 2016 - 2016 IEEE 1st International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W)
Towards Programmable Fog Nodes in Smart Factories
Mathias Santos de Brito, Saiful Hoque, Ronald Steinke, Alexander Willner
April 2016 - 8th International Conference for Enterprise Systems and Applications
Market-Driven SLA-Aware Cloud Resource Trading through Auctions
Mathias Santos de Brito, Peter Deussen, Yuri Glikman
August 2011 - 21st International Conference on Systems Engineering (ICSEng 2011)
Architecture to Integrating Heterogeneous Databases Using Grid Computing
Fernando Kakugawa, Liria Matsumoto Sato, Mathias Santos de Brito
January 2009 - Proceedings IEEE CSE'09, 12th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
An Architecture for Integrating Databases with Replication Support Based on the OGSA-DAI Middleware
Mathias Santos de Brito, Fernando Kakugawa, Liria Matsumoto Sato, et al.
August 2008 - CSE '08. 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, 2008
Extending OGSA-DAI Possibilities with a JDBC Driver
Mathias Santos de Brito, Liria Marsumoto Sato
Details about some projects I worked on my career.

2020 - Under Development This project is a totally new, redesigned, and rewritten orchestrator based on my previous experiences. It is under development and is intended to be a Reactive Orchestrator. For reactive, we mean a system where Orchd agents running in nodes can react to stimuli, simply sending a message or starting a composite service..
| Python | ReactiveX | Microservices | Edge Computing
Ngx Orchid Template

2021 - Under Development It is a Web Page template used to build my personal Web Site and the website of Orchd Project. This project is based on Angular 2+/HTML/CSS. It uses Angular Components to make it highly reusable and easy to use in different projects. Code is available upon request.
| Angular 2+ | Typescript | HTML | CSS
Devcodex Angular Forms
2019 - Under Development The Devcodex Angular Forms is a project developed by me that generates web forms with Angular 2+ based on metadata coming from a Django backend. Django generates the metadata, and additional metadata is generated with the help of a Django Extension developed to support Devcodex Angular Forms.
| Angular 2+ | Python | Django-RSF | Django-ORM | HTML | CSS
OpenIoTFog Orchestrator
2016 - 2018 Project developed at Fraunhofer FOKUS. The OpenIoTFog is an IIoT Middleware for the Fog. The Orchestrator development was lead by me in order to allow the middleware to orchestrate services in the Fog/Edge.
| Microservices | Docker | Angular 2+ | Python
Database Schema Integrator for the Grid
2008 - 2010 Project developed at Fraunhofer FOKUS. The OpenIoTFog is an IIoT Middleware for the Fog. The Orchestrator development was lead by me in order to allow the middleware to orchestrate services in the Fog/Edge.
| Java | SQL | MySQL | Globus Middleware | OGSA-DAI Middleware
SISEA GNL UTE - Interface
2009 It was a desktop software in Java Swing written for the SISEA Lab of POLI/USP as part of a joint project with Petrobras's Brazilian state Oil company. The software calculated safety parameters for Gas Power Plants based on equations developed by the SISEA Lab researchers. The software was successfully delivered and accepted by Petrobras.
| Java | Java Swing
JDBC Driver for OGSA-DAI
2008 OGSA-DAI JDBC Driver was a by-product of my master's studies. It was financed partially by Google through the Google Summer of Code 2008. The driver intended to allow OGSA-DAI middleware to work with database frameworks for Java, like Hibernate and others.
| Java | JDBC | SQL | OGSA-DAI Middleware
2005-2007 My first professional work, the setup and programming of a Beowulf HPC Cluster at the Theoretical Astrophysics of UESC. The cluster was a sixteen PC setup, I used then MPI to paralelize a a Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code for simulation of stars' jets.
| HPC Clustering | OpenMPI | Linux | Network Management
So you can reach me...
  +55 73 99138 0605 (Brazil)
  +49 176 76371250 (Germany)