If I chose four words to describe myself as a professional, I would pick, Design, Code, Learn and Teach. Since I was 12yo, I started coding and never stopped. I began with Clipper and ended nowadays with Python, Javascript/TypeScript with experience also with Java and set my tech stack on these languages and Python/FastAPI/Django/Flask, Node.Js/Express.js in the backend, and Angular in the Frontend. Nonetheless, I'm proficient in SQL and NoSQL databases and ORM.
Discipline sets a critical aspect of my professional mindset, and code can only become a product with good planning and management. I've been specializing in the GitHub ecosystem for that purpose, not only for keeping track of the code but also from project planning to CI/CD tools. Discipline does not mean inflexibility here. Learning new tools, processes, and technologies is essential for me. An unpassionate and pragmatic view of technologies available is what I pursue. No room for flamewars. earning and teaching are crucial aspects of my professional profile and applied to build concise, cohesive, and responsive teams.
So, in the Computer Science spectrum, where have I been working? Distributed Systems with emphasis on Edge/Cloud Computing, for the details of the projects I worked on, I now invite you to look at the following sections.